
Summer of Friends Part 1 (First Half)

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Literature Text

Part One: How to Make New Friends

    Rachel’s Imaginary World

    Inside a dark room, 6-year-old Eduardo ‘Eddie’ Flynn was standing in front of a sliding glass door that looked like a double door with a lock attaching them together that lit the one side of the dark room. Eduardo ‘Eddie’ Flynn is the son of Phineas Flynn and Isabella Garcia-Shapiro.  He has dark hair, wearing a red shirt, orangeish shorts, and red shoes.  His face is like Phineas’ but with a cute boy image. He’s wearing a white cape because he had the dream of being a superhero one day.

     He was making an epic hero pose when a voice said, “Are you ready, Eddie?” And Eddie says, “Yes, Rachel!”

    Then stepping out a dark hallway is 10-year-old Rachel ‘Ray Gun’ Flynn, Eddie’s older sister and the daughter of Phineas Flynn and Isabella Garcia-Shapiro. She has red hair like her father with a figure just like her mother. She wears an orange shirt with yellow ends and a yellow star on it, blue pants, blue and white Easy-Fit shoes. She carries an orange backpack with a blue enclosed white circle and the same yellow star on her shirt in the center of the white circle. She marches to Eddie as he was still looking out the sliding glass door. Rachel then turns to face Eddie.

    Rachel says to him, “Now listen up Eddie because this mission is the most daring, most dangerous, and most brutal we two have ever received. Now the machines that we're going up against are very threatening, incredibly destructive, and highly intelligent.”

    Rachel then pulls out a poster that has an image of two different robotic bees, a yellow one and a blue one. Rachel then continues, “They're called Cybees. Cybees are cybernetic mutant bees that are from a dark hostile planet with no name. No one knows about their origin but we do know three things. One is that their tongue can reach into a person's mouth and once they got in, they'll feed on them until they die.”

     Eddie recited, “The Cybee's tongue can kill any person within contact if the person's mouth is open, got it. I'll be keeping my mouth shut. Besides, it’s disgusting.”

    Rachel then continues, “That's right. Two,  the stinger from a Worker Cybee can strike a person but in two way,  either slash them off entirely or carefully make a point to where,  create a wound, and then have that wound regenerate the skin and then  transform that person into a drone.

     Eddie said, “Stingers can either kill or create a wound to be regenerated and transform the victim into a drone or a worker.”

    Rachel then continues, “Correct and Third, a Drone Cybee may have many eyes than a Worker Cybee, but they don't fly well. I know it is useless information but that's all we got.”

     Eddie then asks Rachel, “Question, do these things like honey?” Rachel then got confused and said to her little brother, “Honey?” Eddie then recited, “Yeah, because bees like honey and these are cybees, so I figured.....”

     But before he could finish, Rachel then shouted to Eddie in an annoyed way, “I get it!”

      Rachel then takes off her backpack, puts it down, unzips it, opens it, puts the poster inside, and pulls out a red, orange, yellow and blue ray gun that looks like a toy with five yellow buttons and a monogram with the initials "R" and "F" with a yellow star between them. She then sets her ray gun down on the floor, zips her backpack closed, and puts it back on. She picks up her ray gun with her right hand, presses the fourth button, and slides the yellow side to get it ready.

     “Eddie, you prepared your superpowers for this?”

    Eddie then said with energy, “Yes, Yes I do.”

    Rachel then walks up to the lock of the sliding door, punches in some codes, and then activates it. Suddenly, some epic battle introduction music was playing. She then steps back until she's close to Eddie. Then the sliding glass door gives off a very bright light so bright you can't see what on the other side. Then Rachel and Eddie begin to walk to the bright light in slow motion.

     Eddie said, “I love these walking in slow motion, bright light, and epic battle introduction music moments. Don't you, sis?”

     “Yes, yes I do."

    As they march into the bright light, it then begins to fade out until it reveals their backyard. The backyard is about 3/4 the length of a football field. It's all grass, two digital trees on the lawn, and a playground that has a slide, a swing-set, a jungle gym, and a maze all connected to each other. Rachel and Eddie looked around and then he looks up and sees something in the sky. He tugs Rachel's shirt.

     “Rachel, up there.”

    Rachel looked up to the sky and a swarm of cybees are looking down upon her and Eddie. An Even 12 of each worker and droid cybees. The worker cybees are yellow and the droid cybees are blue. Then all the cybees swooped down in a wave of battle. Then Heavy Metal and Techno battle music was playing. Rachel and Eddie are making their ground. All of the cybees starts raining down onto the two.

    “Eddie, Remember, Keep your mouth closed at all times and watch out for those stingers.” Rachel shouted to Eddie.  “I’m on it!” He said, and the battle was on.  

     As Eddie uses his heat projection eyes to destroy the cybees, one of the worker cybees hit Eddie on the side and lands down on the ground. The worker cybee traps him and it begins to open its mouth and slowly coming out of it is its tongue.

     Eddie then said in a determined look, "Okay, I just saw this out of a sci-fi horror movie once and I know how that person in that situation died so....." As the worker cybee makes its target with its tongue, Eddie flies out and the worker cybee’s tongue stuck in the ground, then it pulls it back up and spits out the dirt. Eddie then continues, "I avoided that fate."

     Then the worker cybee begins to charge at Eddie. He acts a little frightened. Then a blast came out and destroyed the worker cybee. Eddie turns and sees Rachel giving him a determined thumbs-up. Eddie then gives her the thumbs-up and they continue battling.

    Then, one of the drone cybees’ antennae rises up and starts to wiggle. Then all of the cybees’ antennae are doing the same. Rachel and Eddie all stopped and looked up and seeing what’s been going on with the cybees. Then all of them leave the backyard, flying up to the sky until they flew out of sight. Rachel and Eddie then look confused until a voice was heard. “Rachel”

   Rachel then said, “Mom and Dad.”

    Rachel then takes off her backpack, sets it down, unzips it, opens it and puts her ray gun away. She then pulls out a brown top hat that has one big gold star in front and two white stars on each side of the hat.

    “Well, Eddie, time to head back into the real world.”

    She puts the hat and Eddie grabs his hand and they are both thinking about home. Then for 5 seconds, they opened their eyes and they are now back in the real world where the backyard is not destroyed by the cybees. Rachel and Eddie turns around and their father, Phineas, who is still an inventor, their mother, Isabella, Uncle Ferb, Aunt Candace, and Cousin Amanda are standing outside looking at them.

    “Hey Dad, Mom, Uncle Ferb, Aunt Candace…..” Rachel then makes a pouty face. “…Cousin Amanda.” Rachel then returns to her happy face.

    “Hey Kids, Whatcha Doin’? Phineas said. Rachel said, “Oh, Me and Eddie are just battling cybees in our own backyard but they left already before you, Mom, Uncle Ferb, Aunt Candace, and…” ; as she makes a pouty face; “Cousin Amanda...”; then goes back to her normal happy face, “…showed up”. “That’s Nice, Rachel.”

    Then Isabella screamed out, “AIYEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” “What is it, Mom?!” Rachel said of wondering about her mother’s concern. “MY GRANDMOTHER’S SWAN STATUE, IT’S BROKEN!!!!!!”

    They all looked at a broken swan statue that has been shattered. Rachel then goes into shock when she didn’t know that the Swan Statue was in her way while battling the cybees in her imaginary world earlier. Isabella then goes from a surprised worry look to a very furious, wrath-like facial expression and she yelled out, “RACHEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” She screams at her two times.

    “You done, Mom?” Rachel said to Isabella but she screams again. Rachel then looks at the audience, saying and “This isn’t the first time I’ve been scolded by my mom.”

    Isabella then told her, “Rachel, It’s good that you have such an active imagination, but the one thing you need to learn is how to control it.” Rachel said, “Mom, I get it.”

    Phineas then said, “Rachel, since today’s your first day of summer, why don’t you start making some friends?”

     Rachel said, “Oh yeah, making friends. I remember that; but we all know what the main problem is when I wanted to make friends.”

     “You’re afraid and shy that everybody will think of you as crazy; and I should know because I have experiences with that as a teen, except my problems are different.” Candace said. “Rachel, there’s nothing to be afraid about, you have an amazing imagination and I’m sure everybody else will like you for you.”

    Then Cousin Amanda said, “Look Rachel, even if you got an active imagination, you need to learn how to make friends for a change because every time some kids come over to play with you, you shy away and never come face to face with them and why? Because you think that nobody’s going to take you serious. If you keep doing that, you’re going to wind up like that nerdy teen over there.”

     Rachel turned around and there standing was a nerdy teen, just like Amanda said. He said in traditional Chinese, “如果你能学会如何交朋友,现在,你不会是像我现在很孤独。” (Translation: If you can learn how to make friends right now, you won't end up being very lonely like I am right now.)

     Rachel then said in a confused expression, “Okay, but how did he-”

     “He’s just there to give you advice, you can go now.” Phineas said to the nerdy kid, and then the nerdy kid leaves. Rachel still looks confused and said to the audience, “interesting advice but pointless and slows down the pacing of the plot.”

    “Mom, Dad, Uncle Ferb, Aunt Candace, and Cousin Amanda, It’s time for me to make friends and I’m not going to be shy anymore.” Rachel said diligently with orchestral action buildup music playing.

    “That’s the spirit, my Ray Gun.”, Phineas said.

    Rachel then pulls out her ray gun and she said, “I’m ready.”

    Eddie then said, “Rachel, I’m glad you’re going to do it.”

    “Yes, Yes I do Eddie.”

    Isabella then said, “Cousin Amanda’s going to take you to Danville Park.”

    Rachel then begins to drop her jaw and the music stops at a record scratch. “Huh, But why can’t you or Dad come with me?”

    “Aunt Candace and I are going grocery shopping and Dad and Uncle Ferb are using the backyard for their latest project.” Isabella said.

    "That’s right, Rachel. Me and Uncle Ferb are doing something today.” Phineas said and then a delivery truck pulled in to the driveway. “That must be our stuff now.”

    “Rachel, I know you and Eddie are going to have a great time together, and Amanda, make sure they’re safe or no phone for the rest of the day, including tomorrow.” Candace said.

    “Okay, Mom. Better than watching my brothers” Amanda said.

     Suddenly, Rachel said, “Hey, Where’s Ernie?”

    “Oh yeah, your pet aardvark.” Candace said.


    Inside the house, lying on the couch is Ernie, an overweight blue furred aardvark. He sits up and looks at his watch. It reads “Red Alert”. He runs to a vent, stops, and puts on his secret agent hat. He opens it and as he crawls in, he got stuck. He wiggles at first and then he sucks in his gut and starts crawling inside the vent. He reaches to the end of the vent and opens it, revealing his lair.  He breathes out, lets his gut go and heads to a screen with the words, “Incoming Message”. He presses a button and on the screen is Major Monogram.

    “Good Morning, Agent Ernie. Today is the day that you will show your mentor of what you do when you fight crime.”

    Then Agent Ernie turns around and a door was opening and coming out was Agent P. “Agent P, I’m glad you’re here because you’ll be experiencing Agent Ernie as he fights evil thanks to your mentoring.” Agent P chatters.

    “Okay Agent P, Agent Ernie’s nemesis is Natalie Baxter, she is a mad scientist, but once you get to know her you can see…..” Then a picture of a beautiful crime lady shows up on the screen. “Carl!”

      Then Carl said, “Sorry, Major Monogram.”

     “Anyway, Agent P, This is Agent Ernie’s nemesis, Natalie Baxter.” Then the picture shows a 14 year old girl with light brown hair.

     “Don’t let the age and cuteness fool you, she is more than you will know when you meet her. Besides, I did inform Dr. Doofenshmirtz all about it and we assigned Agent S to take care of it for you. Now where was I? Oh yes. Agent Ernie, Natalie Baxter is on the move, We don’t know anything about her plan. As we all know that it is important that your cover identity as a mindless domestic pet remains intact. If the family finds out and your cover’s been blown, you will be relocated, right?” Major Monogram said and Agent Ernie nods.

   “Good now get out there. We are all counting on you."

    Agent P and Agent Ernie all stepped in an aardvark-themed car and they drove off. Then funk music begins to play.

    (Drums playing bum-bum-bum-bum 3 times and stop)



    Who's the Secret Agent Pig-like thing

    That longed to make all the girls' hearts sing?


    Women chorus:



    That's right

    Who's the mammal of action

    That wishes to be the heart of everyone's attraction?


    Women chorus:




    He's the one

    Ernie's the guy who will never fail

    He's got rabbit ears and a Kangaroo's tail


    Women chorus:




    Of Course

    Did you know that Ernie looks like a pig?


    Women chorus:




    I know he's an aardvark but he does look like a pig






    He's the agent of smooth

    Who'll make danger soothe


    Women chorus:




    But you can call him Agent Ernie


    Women chorus:




    I said you can call him Agent Ernie (sighs) That's what I said when Agent P has his theme song.


    Women chorus:



    Meanwhile, arriving at Danville Park, Rachel was looking at the kids and then she says to herself in dramatic mode, “Okay Rachel, no more being shy, you can do this, time to make some friends!”

     Then Eddie said to Rachel, “Who are you talking to?”

     Then she said in a dramatic pose, “To my SOUL!” Then lightning flashes with thunder booms, added for dramatic effect.

     But Eddie looks confused at first and he said, “Okay? Want some chips?”

     “Yes, yes I do.” Rachel said.

     Then Eddie offers some chips to Amanda, “You want some too, Amanda?”

      Amanda then said, “Rachel, if you want to make friends then I suggest you stop talking to your “soul”……… and Eddie, for the 12th, I’M ON A DIET!” Eddie then puts the chips away. 

    Then Rachel started to look at a bunch of kids splashing water at each other. She begins to look fascinated and excited about it. “Amanda, I was thinking about playing with these kids over there.” “I don’t know, Rachel. How are you going to play with them?”

      Rachel then said, “How?” Then she whips out her toy gun from her backpack. She then makes a determined look. “With this!”

      She then heads out to the other kids. Eddie then cheered on her, “Go get them, sis!”

      During the game, she was winning with her toy gun and splashed a lot of water at the other kids and she didn’t even get splashed at. After the game is over, she said in a triumphant way, “So far I’ve beaten a lot of people in this game and haven’t even got splashed yet, I’m unstoppa…..”

     Then suddenly from out of nowhere, Rachel gets splashed from behind. “Okay, that killed the moment!”

      She then gets up and looked behind and saw the Meanie Three, Bella Chandler, Claire Marinift, and Danielle DeRonstar and they are standing by next to the swing set.

     “Hello, Redhead.” Bella said.

     “Hello there, Bella, Claire, Danielle, you three meanies are looking well.”

      Claire asked with a sneer, “So, Rachel what have you been doing lately on the first day of summer?”

      “Well Claire, I’m going to make friends for the first time.” Rachel answered.

      Then the three girls all begin to laugh. “Really, Redhead? I mean do you know how to make friends when you’re always acting shy around them?” Bella gloated.

      Rachel said, “That’s in the past, but now……”

       Then Amanda interrupted, “Come On, Rachel, leave them alone, they are not worth it.” Then Rachel, Eddie, and Amanda walked away from the Meanie Three.

       Bella then said behind her, “You may not know it, Redhead, but I’m the queen here!”

       Rachel then replied sarcastically as she was walking, “Really? Because you look more like a witch than a queen, you’d probably win 1st place in a scary contest.”

       Danielle giggled, but Bella glared at her. “Sorry”, Danielle said.

     Stopping for a breath, Rachel looks up and sees an Indian girl wearing glasses and she was testing experiments with a chemistry set on a picnic table. She walks up to the girl.  Rachel then said, “Hi there, Whatcha’ doin’?”

      Then the girl said “I’m working on my chemistry lab so I can get ready for next semester.”

      Rachel gets confused and she said to her, “Next semester? What for?”

      The girl continued, “Don’t you know that many kids always tend to forget things during the summer and when they get back to school, all they forget is what they studied over the last semester?”

      “What are you talking about? It’s summer vacation. Don’t you know what summer is?” Rachel asked.

      “I can’t say that I do.” said the girl.

      And Rachel said to her, “Summer is a time where there’s no school, no teachers, no homework, and you can do whatever you want, and the only thing that you have to worry about are bullies.”

      Suddenly, a big gray-skinned kid flattens the girl, shoved the chemistry set off the picnic table, and places his lunch on the table.

     Rachel then yells at him “Hey, what did you do that for?!”

     Then the big gray skinned kid said to her, “It has nothing to do with you, Sit somewhere else.”

     “But what about her?” Rachel asked him.

     “She has something to do with it.” The boy said.

     “What do you mean?” Rachel questioned him.

     “You see this picnic table? That’s my picnic table; I carved my name on the side; See? It says ‘Bruce Van Stomm was here first and he’s always here first on the first day of summer vacation’.” 

      Rachel then looks at the audience and said “That’s rich, I’ll say.”

      Then Bruce continued, “And I always come here every first day of summer to eat my lunch there, and believe me, this is not the first time Shrimpette or the other losers have got to this table before me"

     Then the girl muffled “How does that make any sense?”

     Then Bruce sits up, grabs the girl by the shirt and shows her to the carving. She reads it and she said to the audience, “Wow that’s really getting old, right?”

     Rachel then said, “Tell me about it.”

     Eddie then arrived and said, “Hey, put her down!”

     Bruce then turned around and he sees Eddie and mocks him, “You standing up against me!”

     He laughs again then Rachel walks up to him in anger and said “Why don’t you put her down and leave her and my little brother alone.”

     Bruce said, “Oh yeah, and how does a girl like you do anything to a boy like me?” Without hesitation, Rachel used the neck pinching technique to knock him out.

      Then as he passed out, the girl was free. “Are you all right?” Rachel said to her.

     “I’m okay but that was so amazing. How did you learn to do that?” The girl said.

     Eddie said, “Uncle Ferb taught her that.”

     “Really, because do you think you can teach me that?”

     Rachel said, “Well since you witnessed it, you get the idea.”

     The girl said, “My name is Agamya-Michiko.” Rachel, Eddie, and Amanda all looked confused. “Agamya is Indian for ‘Knowledge’ and Michiko is Japanese for ‘Genius’; my father’s Indian and my mother’s Japanese.”

     Amanda, looking confused, said, “Okay.” Rachel said, “That sounds interesting. My name is Rachel, and this is my brother Eddie, and this is my cousin Amanda.” “Hi.” Eddie and Amanda said hello to Agamya-Michiko. 

     Then Bruce gets up and says with amazement, “Wow that was really awesome. You know something, Rachel? You really know how to handle boys like that. Maybe we could hang out some more. What do you say?”

     Agamya-Michiko then cheerfully said, “Hey, Rachel, I was wondering if I could come over to your house one day?”

     Rachel then begins to look nervous. She turned around and sees Eddie doing a go ahead gesture to her and Amanda folding her arms. Rachel then gulps and she said, “Sure.”

     Agamya-Michiko and Bruce then shake hands with her as Rachel now looks uncomfortable but becomes more calmed. She then said to the audience, “Could we cut to the next scene, please?"


    Agent Ernie and Agent P were driving down through a cookie-cutter neighborhood until they come across one of the houses that have a huge glasshouse in the backyard. They drove around it and then they parked. Both Agent Ernie and Agent P jumped out and make their way through the window. Inside was a laboratory/bedroom that oddly has a teenage girl theme to it with the color scheme of red, pink, white, purple, and black. They tiptoed slowly, but suddenly, two mechanical arms appeared, captured the two animal agents, and locked them in a red cage.

    Then a slow clapping is heard as menacing music was playing. Then a shadowy figure appears out and it reveals to be a 14-year-old girl with light brown hair, a red lab coat with yellow shoulder marks, a magenta shirt with an anime kitten’s face on it, a pink skirt, turquoise pants, and teal, red, and cerulean shoes. Her name was Natalie Baxter. She was taking a one day three hour video chat tutoring session with Dr. Heinx Doofenshmirtz.

      She said, “Well, Ernie the Aardvark and Perry the Platypus! How unexpected, and by unexpected I mean…….”

      Then suddenly, Natalie’s cell phone rang and it’s got a message. “Oh, hang on a minute.”

      She looks at her phone and she shouted with glee, “OMG! Tony Nicolas is at the Googleplex Mall!” Natalie made a fangirl squeal, and Agent P, Agent Ernie, and Doofenshmirtz were looking annoyed.

      Then Natalie puts away her phone. “Wait, I’m sorry, what were we doing?” Doofenshmirtz then said via video chat, “Seriously, what is it with teenage girls squealing about a boy in a mall, it’s like a cat chasing a mouse…………….I know, bad choice of concept!”

    “By the way Natalie, I see you finally meeting my nemesis Perry the Platypus for the first time, right?” Doofenshmirtz said.

      Natalie says, “Yeah, Hi Perry the Platypus.”

      Agent P chatters. Doofenshmirtz then said in monologue, “So Perry the Platypus, I think this is a completely ironic turn of events, considering how Major Monogram sent Sergei the Snail to defeat me at checkers and I was going to give Natalie Baxter a one day, three hour video chat tutoring session on being evil and coincidentally, I see that you’re with Ernie the Aardvark trying to foil her latest evil scheme through my tutoring session while at the same time so I see why, Perry the Platypus….You’re here to see Ernie’s daily battle with Natalie; their battles are just like what we always do back then 20 years ago.”

    He then turns to Natalie, “As you can see Natalie, that’s an example of monologue with your nemesis. Now you try but this time, with your latest evil scheme.”

     "I’ll try, Dr. D.” Natalie said with confidence and she approaches to a purple covering. Dark lighting and ominous music was playing.

     “So, Ernie the Aardvark, I’ve planned to remove all the power from the used battery-powered computer pads and I’ll use that power…… recharge my own used battery-powered computer pad.”

      She walks up to a pink covered computer pad and checks up on it and sees the powers is already down to 10 percent. “Can’t believe that this things’s been going down to only 10 percent.”

     Doofenshmirtz then said, “That’s a nice idea, that way you don’t have to go to an electronics story and select any kind of power charger.”

      Natalie then continues, “And how will I do it? Well, with my new BATTERY-POWER-STEALATRON!!!!!!!!!!”

      She pulls the covering and it reveals a satellite dish with eggbeaters for the antenna. Agent P and Agent Ernie are both shocked and confused. Agent P then chatters. 

      Then Doofenshmirtz said in annoyance, “’-Atron’? Is that the suffix you give your inventions? ‘-Atron’? Really? That’s so ‘80’s.”

      Natalie then said “I like that suffix.”

      Then her phone ranged. “Hold up I got another call.” She opens it. “Oh Hi, Penny!”

     Doofenshmirtz looks at Agent P with regret, “You know, Perry the Platypus, this used to be much better if you went to stop me at checkers rather than Sergei the-”

       Then he got interrupted when being attacked by Agent S. "Okay maybe I'll call the checkers thing off and call it even, right, Sergei the Snail?

       Agent S continues to attack him. Doofenshmirtz then looks at the audience and said, “Okay, as soon as Natalie is done talking through her cell phone, we’re going to cut to commercial.”

      Then Agent P and Agent Ernie looks at the audience and Agent Ernie makes the cut gesture.



Well guys, this is it. This is finally it. The big one. I have just Posted, the first half of SUMMER OF FRIENDS PART 1 (Cue Orchestral Choir)

:squee: :dance: :w00t: :onfire: :hooray: :la: :party: :headbang: :iconrockonplz:

At long last, you get to read the first story starring my OC, Rachel 'Ray Gun' Flynn and some of my other favorites.

Also keep on a look out because I'll be posting up the second half of Part 1. And then I'll be developing the plot for Summer of Friends Part 2

Also to keep in mind how Part 1 is about Rachel learning how to make friends.

I've made references to Ridley Scott's Alien, Shaft, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Despicable Me and Wreck-it Ralph, and do I get a plus for doing a tribute for the Phineas and Ferb episode Raging Bully from the introduction of Bruce Van Stomm to the neck-pinching technique (also it's a Star Trek Reference).

So here's the first half of Part 1. The second half of Part 1 will come pretty soon. Remember, Summer of Friends is a 2-Part cliffhanger.

I hope you all like it.

Here's the second half of Part 1: [link]

All Respective Phineas and Ferb Characters (c) Dan Povenmire & Jeff 'Swampy' Marsh & Disney

Characters (c) :iconredjoey1992:
© 2013 - 2024 RedJoey1992
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EmissixD's avatar

two same stories?

I read the other one a few days ago and now I see this? I mean, it's not bad or terrible... it's the whole oopposite of that, but ...? you made 2 stories with the nearly same solution?